That’s how they are beautiful…

That’s how they are beautiful…

Black-tailed skimmer (Orthetrum cancellatum) Dutch: Gewone oeverlibel

I usually come across the black-tailed skimmer (Orthetrum cancellatum) sitting on the ground, sunbathing on grass/mud paths and gravel. Then unfortunately they are not so beautiful to capture on the photo because their shape and wings are not very good visible against the usually busy background.

But luckily you also encounter them in better photography conditions. So did this male of the black-tailed skimmer I came across, nicely sitting against a barren branch with not too much background nearby. Then they are just beautiful with the blue frosted abdomen with black tip! The wings, up to and including the wing base, are beautifully transparent with a black spot in each wing. The green-brown chestpiece completes the picture!

The female and the young male have a yellow abdomen with two thick black longitudinal stripes. You can see the black-tailed skimmer from May to September, most of them you see in June and July.

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